Home care provider FAQs
To help you understand how Care Sourcer works, we’ve answered some frequently asked questions below. If your question is not answered below, please contact us at providers@caresourcer.com. Our team will be happy to help.
Why does my CQC ID look wrong?
The CQC number we use is your location ID. Every care provider profile is linked to the CQC. If you think your CQC ID is wrong, please check your location ID. If you still believe this is wrong, contact us at providers@caresourcer.com.
What price should I offer?
The cost of your service is your decision, we do not set any guidelines on this. Please treat care enquiries on Care Sourcer the same as you would any other potential clients.
My phone number is wrong on your website - why is this?
We add a unique tracked telephone number to your profile. This means we can tell you how many people are contacting you via Care Sourcer and advise if you miss any calls. As long as the number you give us is correct, we will do the rest! You can view and update your enquiry number by going to Edit profile.
Can I display my CQC/CI rating on my profile?
Your profile is linked to the CQC and CI. Your regulator rating is automatically visible on your profile.
How will people find me on your site?
People in need can find your service by performing a postcode search on caresourcer.com. If you can meet their needs, they will contact you directly. There are no actions for you to take other than ensuring your capacity is up to date.
For more urgent enquiries, we will contact you by email so you can respond on Care Sourcer.
What is a care request?
A care request is an Care Sourcer enquiry which includes more specific detail about the care required. We’ll tell you about these enquiries in real-time so you can respond in a timely manner. You can view live care requests in your area on your Care Sourcer dashboard.
How do I respond to a care request?
Click View to review the enquiry in detail. If you can help this individual, click Make offer. Enter a personal message and price then click Send offer to respond through Care Sourcer. You will be notified of the outcome of the request via email.
What should I write in the personal message?
This is up to you. We recommend making it personal but appreciate you are busy, a short message advising you can offer support will suffice in most cases.
I responded to a care request but I didn't hear back?
Please remember that you are not the only care provider responding in most instances. The choice of provider is always with the care seeker, not Care Sourcer.
Continue with your day-to-day marketing activities. If you do not hear back after a couple of weeks, you can assume that care has started with another provider. Where we can, we will alert you when a care request has closed.
What happens if I don’t receive care requests?
If you cannot see any care requests, it means there are no open enquiries on Care Sourcer in the areas which you operate. Make sure that you are seeing all relevant care enquiries by going to Edit profile and selecting the local authorities in which you offer care.