To help find the right care home for you, here's some questions you can ask when you enquire.

  1. What is your visitor policy?
  2. What types of activities are available?
  3. Can we specify a visiting GP?
  4. Are family members allowed to stay overnight?
  5. Are pets allowed to visit or stay?
  6. What types of food are offered each week?
  7. What kinds of days out do you offer?
  8. Can residents bring personal furniture?
  9. What security procedures are in place?
  10. How do you handle complaints?

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Contact this home

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Marchglen Care Centre

2 Gannel Hill View, Fishcross, Alloa, FK10 3GN


  • Adequate

    Regulator's average rating

    More details
  • 37 beds

    Maximum occupancy

  • 2006

    Date opened

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Room availability

From the owner

Marchglen Care Centre is a modern and purpose-built care home that is specifically dedicated to nursing care for a range of specialist needs.

Located in the Clackmannan countryside between Fishcross and Tillicoultry, Marchglen provides its special…

Marchglen Care Centre is a modern and purpose-built care home that is specifically dedicated to nursing care for a range of specialist needs.

Located in the Clackmannan countryside between Fishcross and Tillicoultry, Marchglen provides its specialised services to a wide community in the county and to Alloa, Sterling, Clackmannan and beyond to Stirling, Fife and Falkirk.

The home consists of four small separate communities of up to 10 or 11 residents, each providing different types of care and support on a very personal basis. We cater for physical disabilities, learning disabilities, and complex needs for both younger adults and elderly residents. A central unit connects all four communities and provides therapies, resources and activities for all of the residents.

All bedrooms have ensuite facilities in this modern, purpose-built care home, which features spacious and welcoming living and dining spaces in each house, as well as dedicated outdoor spaces.

Our fees are all inclusive too, with your care and lifestyle costs capped on an annual one-price basis, meaning that unless your care needs change you’ll have peace of mind with no surprises.

Visit Marchglen Care Centre website

To help find the right care home for you, here's some questions you can ask when you enquire.

  1. What is your visitor policy?
  2. What types of activities are available?
  3. Can we specify a visiting GP?
  4. Are family members allowed to stay overnight?
  5. Are pets allowed to visit or stay?
  6. What types of food are offered each week?
  7. What kinds of days out do you offer?
  8. Can residents bring personal furniture?
  9. What security procedures are in place?
  10. How do you handle complaints?

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Care provided

  • Nursing care

    Medical care from a qualified nurse, and treatment for residents with illness or injuries.

Care specialisms

This home offers specialised care for any of the following:

  • Physical disabilities
  • Hearing impairment
  • Visual impairment


  • 37 beds
  • All single bedrooms
  • 36 en-suite rooms
  • Purpose built, opened in 2006


Sorry, we don't have prices for this care home - please contact the care provider for more details.

Funding for care in Scotland

Your care home costs could be partially funded by the council. To qualify for this, you must first arrange a care needs assessment

  • Free personal and/or nursing care funding is available to anyone aged 65 or over, regardless of their financial situation.
  • Funding towards accommodation costs is also available if your assets (property & savings) are below £28,500.
Read more about how to fund care

Regulator's inspection rating

Average Adequate

Last inspection

28 May 2024

Staff team
Care and support planning
Read the full Care Inspectorate report