To help find the right care home for you, here's some questions you can ask when you enquire.

  1. What is your visitor policy?
  2. What types of activities are available?
  3. Can we specify a visiting GP?
  4. Are family members allowed to stay overnight?
  5. Are pets allowed to visit or stay?
  6. What types of food are offered each week?
  7. What kinds of days out do you offer?
  8. Can residents bring personal furniture?
  9. What security procedures are in place?
  10. How do you handle complaints?

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Contact this home

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Asterbury Place

76 Aster Road, Ipswich, IP2 0NR


  • Outstanding

    Regulator's rating

    More details
  • Rooms available

    Current availability

  • 80 beds

    Maximum occupancy

  • 2014

    Date opened

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From the owner

Asterbury Place in Ipswich is an ‘outstanding’-rated care home (April 2019) dedicated to delivering the best care while ensuring residents get the most out of each day. The skilled team provides residential, nursing and dementia care and support that…

Asterbury Place in Ipswich is an ‘outstanding’-rated care home (April 2019) dedicated to delivering the best care while ensuring residents get the most out of each day. The skilled team provides residential, nursing and dementia care and support that is personalised to each resident’s needs, wishes and preferences. Each resident is involved in decisions about their care and lifestyle at Asterbury Place, and they choose how to spend the day and have a say in decisions about how the home is run.

The home itself has some fantastic facilities for residents to enjoy at their leisure, including a cinema, café, hair and beauty salon and lovely landscaped gardens. Every bedroom is beautifully decorated and furnished, with an en-suite wet-room.

From the manager

“Prior to joining Asterbury Place, I managed three care homes and worked as an operations manager of a hospice for two years. Before that, I spent nearly 15 years in the NHS, including in cancer and palliative care and cancer service improvement. I’ve undertaken a variety of training and development throughout my career within the NHS, and I also qualified as a Coach and NLP Practitioner in 2018 and am registered with the National Council of Psychotherapists. I’m a values-driven person, and I was keen to join Care UK because its core values of caring, passionate and teamwork align with my own. In this role, you need to be dynamic, approachable and personable. As Home Manager, I’m there for everyone: residents, relatives and colleagues. It fills me with pride to lead a diverse team who strive to always do their best. My favourite part of each day is my drive home, when I spend time thinking about which resident, relative or colleague’s life I made a difference to that day. Outside of work, I’m a keen gardener and walker. I like nothing more than walking down to the river wall with not a car in sight to watch the birds, wildlife and boats.”

— Victoria Barber

Visit Asterbury Place website

To help find the right care home for you, here's some questions you can ask when you enquire.

  1. What is your visitor policy?
  2. What types of activities are available?
  3. Can we specify a visiting GP?
  4. Are family members allowed to stay overnight?
  5. Are pets allowed to visit or stay?
  6. What types of food are offered each week?
  7. What kinds of days out do you offer?
  8. Can residents bring personal furniture?
  9. What security procedures are in place?
  10. How do you handle complaints?

Read more >

Care provided

  • Residential care

    Accommodation, meals, and assistance with personal care and medication.

  • Nursing care

    Medical care from a qualified nurse, and treatment for residents with illness or injuries.

  • Dementia care

    Specialist care designed to meet the challenges faced by people living with dementia.

  • Palliative and end of life care

    Care designed to provide quality support and comfort for people living with life-limiting conditions.

Care specialisms

This home offers specialised care for any of the following:

  • Adults over 65 years
  • Adults under 65 years
  • Physical disabilities
  • Visual impairment
  • Speech impairment
  • Dementia
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Cancer
  • Stroke
  • Convalescent care


  • 80 beds
  • All single bedrooms
  • 80 en-suite rooms
  • Purpose built, opened in 2014
  • Near public transport
  • Elevator
  • Wheelchair access
  • TV point in rooms
  • Pets allowed (by arrangement)
  • Bar / café
  • Grounds / gardens


Sorry, we don't have prices for this care home - please contact the care provider for more details.

Funding for care in England

If your total savings and property assets are below £23,250, then you may be able to access local authority funding towards accommodation costs, personal care and nursing care.

To qualify, you must first arrange a care needs assessment.

Read more about how to fund care

Regulator's inspection rating

Overall Outstanding

Last assessment

27 Feb 2019

Well led
Read the full Care Quality Commission report