This profile is not registered with CareSourcer and uses information from third party data sources.

To help find the right care home for you, here's some questions you can ask when you enquire.

  1. What is your visitor policy?
  2. What types of activities are available?
  3. Can we specify a visiting GP?
  4. Are family members allowed to stay overnight?
  5. Are pets allowed to visit or stay?
  6. What types of food are offered each week?
  7. What kinds of days out do you offer?
  8. Can residents bring personal furniture?
  9. What security procedures are in place?
  10. How do you handle complaints?

Read more >

Glendun Residential Home

67 Knocknacarry Road, Cushendun, BT44 0NS


Care specialisms

This home offers specialised care for any of the following:

  • Old age not falling within any other category
  • Learning Disability
  • Physical disability other than sensory impairment
  • Physical disability other than sensory impairment - over 65 years

Contact this home

Call now for more details - staff are happy to answer any of your questions about care.


Sorry, we don't have prices for this care home - please contact the care provider for more details.

Regulator's inspection rating

This care provider is registered with the regulator but has not yet been inspected.
Read the full Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority report

Frequently asked questions

  • What type of care does Glendun Residential Home provide?
  • Is Glendun Residential Home regulated?